Principala » Online jocuri » Puzzle

Professor Fizzwizzle

As you solve levels, photos in the prof's gallery are unlocked that'll reveal him and his friends all over the world! A myriad of difficulty levels are sure to delight newbies, seasoned pros, and youngsters; with no time limits and your progress saved as you go, this is a seamless gaming experience for one-and-all. Everyone can get the prof back to his lab!
Raging: 0.0/0
Contoare: 298/8/345
Total comentarii : 1
1 Gmal   (19 Iun 2014 2:44 PM) [Entry]
Mes oreilles sont comble9es fatsuntiqae Que du bon Kifffff <3 du de9but e0 la fin Tous ces sons..Ces mixs sont merveilleux truc de fou !!! Le bonheur Cette *So Cool number 16* Une pe9pite ! Bravo e0 toi pour ton bon taf e9xe9cute9! et pour tous le plaisir que cela nous apporteMille merci DJ K.ART ! THANKS

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